Presentation & Webinar: Know Your Rights (KYR) | Conozca Sus Derechos
5:00 PM17:00

Presentation & Webinar: Know Your Rights (KYR) | Conozca Sus Derechos

  • City of Cudahy, Council Chambers (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Everyone living in the United States has certain basic rights under the Constitution, including undocumented immigrants. In this webinar, we will be addressing Know Your Rights (KYR) basics for the immigrant community and discussing additional safety planning for families in the event of escalated Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids and enforcement measures.

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Gear Up for Denim Day 2025
5:00 PM17:00

Gear Up for Denim Day 2025

Peace Over Violence invites you to


Join us and help launch Sexual Assault Awareness Month!


Thursday, April 3rd
5—7pm | Program 6pm

Use Your Voice Awards
Use Your Voice activation stations
Light bites & refreshments

POV Metro Office
1541 Wilshire Blvd. 3rd Floor
Los Anheles, CA 90017

Paid parking available
ASL Interpreted

Denim Day is a project of Peace Over Violence


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Denim Day Rally & Press Conference 2025
9:00 AM09:00

Denim Day Rally & Press Conference 2025

  • Los Angeles City Hall South Lawn Steps (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Peace Over Violence invites you to

Denim Day Rally & Press conference

Wednesday, April 30th @ 9am

Los Angeles City Hall South Lawn Steps
This location faces 1st St.

  • community solidarity

  • interactive activities

  • coffee & treats

ASL Interpreted

Denim Day is a project of Peace Over Violence


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TDV Youth Prevention Conference
5:00 PM17:00

TDV Youth Prevention Conference

  • Boyle Heights Technology YouthSource Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The objective of POV’s TDV Youth Prevention Conference is to empower youth and share awareness and resources around preventing teen dating violence and healthy relationship building. This conference will host youth from all over Los Angeles and create space to build community, learn helpful tips, and walk away with knowledge and peer support to make positive change in our community.

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Teen Dating Violence Prevention Workshop
5:00 PM17:00

Teen Dating Violence Prevention Workshop

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM), and we invite you to join us for an engaging and informative workshop led by POV’s Prevention team. Learn how to empower and support youth by discussing valuable resources, essential safety tips, practical strategies, and information on how to build healthy relationships. This event is open to the community, and we encourage parents and educators to attend. Plus, stick around until the end for a special raffle!

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Youth Empowerment Self-Defense & Safety
9:00 AM09:00

Youth Empowerment Self-Defense & Safety

Please join us for a free Youth Empowerment Self-Defense & Safety class in honor of Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. This class is open to youth aged 12-18. Participants will learn how to be more assertive, how to resolve conflict, to have healthy relationships, and how to execute some physical self-defense techniques.

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Post-Election Planning Know Your Rights (KYR) in a Changing Immigration Landscape
6:00 PM18:00

Post-Election Planning Know Your Rights (KYR) in a Changing Immigration Landscape

No matter who is president, everyone living in the U.S. has certain basic rights under the U.S. Constitution. Undocumented immigrants have these rights, too. In this webinar, we will be addressing Know Your Rights (KYR) basics for the immigration community and discuss additional safety planning for families in the event of escalated ICE raids and enforcement measures.

This free webinar will be hosted in English & Spanish. This event provides general legal information only and should not be considered as legal advice. Please consult with an attorney for guidance regarding your specific situation.

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Counselor Advocate Info Sessions & Training
to Dec 20

Counselor Advocate Info Sessions & Training

  • Peace Over Violence Metro HQ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Peace Over Violence encourages caring and compassionate individuals from the diverse communities of Los Angeles County to become trauma informed Counselor Advocates working directly with survivors of sexual and domestic violence.

Upon completion of the training, you will be part of the Peace Over Violence Intervention Division’s Emergency Response Team, volunteering for either of the following programs: 24-Hour Hotline and Emergency Response Team or Domestic Abuse Response Team.

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Webinar:  Master Your Emotions, Transform Your Life!
6:00 PM18:00

Webinar:  Master Your Emotions, Transform Your Life!

Survivors of domestic or sexual violence often face challenges with stress, anger, and mood swings. These overwhelming emotions can make it difficult to navigate daily life after experiencing such traumatic events. However, by learning to regulate these strong feelings and control impulsive reactions, survivors can improve their mental well-being, foster healthier relationships, and regain control over their lives.

Join us for this informative webinar as we introduce practical tools and techniques for emotional regulation. These strategies can help you manage emotions, improve relationships, and boost your mental health.

If you’re ready to take charge of your emotional well-being and feel more positive about yourself, this webinar is for you!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024
6:00 - 7:30 pm


Federico Carmona, Trauma Therapist

For more information, please contact
ASL interpretation will be available.

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WEBINAR: Ready to Date Again After Relational Trauma?
6:00 PM18:00

WEBINAR: Ready to Date Again After Relational Trauma?

If you’ve experienced abuse, betrayal, or other interpersonal trauma in close relationships, stepping back into the dating world can feel overwhelming. Healing takes time, and even after doing the hard work to rebuild your confidence and emotional well-being, you might still face lingering fears, self-doubt, or anxiety when it comes to starting a new relationship.

This free webinar can help you become acquainted with these challenges, whether preparing to date again or looking to improve your current dating experience. This session will focus on understanding and managing residual trauma that might still affect your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, preventing you from making healthier, more fulfilling connections in your dating life.

Take the next step toward creating the love life you deserve!

Wednesday, September 25, 2024
6:00 - 7:30 pm


Federico Carmona, Trauma Therapist

For more information, please contact
ASL interpretation will be available.

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Counselor Advocate Training
to Oct 5

Counselor Advocate Training

  • Peace Over Violence Metro HQ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Peace Over Violence encourages caring and compassionate individuals from the diverse communities of Los Angeles County to become trauma informed Counselor Advocates working directly with survivors of sexual and domestic violence.

Upon completion of the training, you will be part of the Peace Over Violence Intervention Division’s Emergency Response Team, volunteering for either of the following programs: 24-Hour Hotline and Emergency Response Team or Domestic Abuse Response Team.

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Mujeres Fuertes (Strong Women) Documentary Screening
6:30 PM18:30

Mujeres Fuertes (Strong Women) Documentary Screening

Free Screening of the Strong Women (Mujeres Fuertes) Documentary with talk and Empowerment Self-Defense demo by the producer, hosted by Peace Over Violence and Mujeres Fuertes.

Learn about empowerment self-defense in an inspiring and uplifting documentary set in the beaches and jungles of Costa Rica. Follow along as the four protagonists drive across the country to deliver a dozen training sessions in just two weeks, and learn about sisterhood, transformation and healing through self-defense through their eyes and the stories of the women they meet along the way.

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PSAT: Personal Safety Awareness Training - Conducted in ASL
12:00 PM12:00

PSAT: Personal Safety Awareness Training - Conducted in ASL

In a digital world filled with notifications, social media, the news, you are less aware of your surroundings. During those distractions, you may be a target for those seeking to do harm. Personal Safety Awareness involves gaining awareness of your own abilities as well as learning how to communicate your needs. It is the foundation and essential pillar to self-defense. 

Come join us and gain tools that will assist you in developing your own personal safety awareness!

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Trauma Informed Parenting Group
to Oct 1

Trauma Informed Parenting Group

This 15-week virtual series is for parents / guardians of all genders who want to make a positive impact on their children via trauma-informed parenting education, support, and skills. Each week we’ll introduce a new topic which will arm participants with tools to empower and strengthen their parenting.

Sessions will be in ASL and English. 

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Domestic Violence Psycho-Educational Group - Conducted in ASL
to Sep 3

Domestic Violence Psycho-Educational Group - Conducted in ASL

  • Google Calendar ICS

This is a safe space for identified victim/survivors in an interpersonal relationship. Topics include: red flags and tactics, effects on the survivor and children, power and control, and the cycle of violence.

This group fulfills DCFS court requirements and will be conducted entirely in ASL with facilitators Sarah Clifton and Amber Valdez.

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Trauma Informed Parenting Group - Conducted in ASL
to Sep 19

Trauma Informed Parenting Group - Conducted in ASL

This group focuses on the effects of trauma on children and the family unit, developmental changes and stages, healthy boundaries and discipline, intergenerational trauma, safety planning, trauma’s impact on the brain and nervous system, managing feelings, self-care, coping skills, childhood attachment, and the dynamics of parenting after exposure to trauma.

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Here to Stay: Naturalization Clinic | Aquí para Quedarse: Clínica de Ciudadanía
10:30 AM10:30

Here to Stay: Naturalization Clinic | Aquí para Quedarse: Clínica de Ciudadanía

  • POV West San Gabriel Valley Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A free legal clinic for individuals interested in applying for citizenship. Attorneys will be available to assist individuals at any stage of the naturalization application process. English language assessments will be provided on-site and staff will also be screening for exceptions to the English language component of the naturalization exam. Information regarding financial assistance may be available for those receiving CalWorks.

Una clínica legal gratuita para personas interesadas en aplicar por la ciudadanía. Abogados estarán disponibles para ayudar a las personas en cualquier etapa del proceso de su solicitud de naturalización. Las evaluaciones del idioma inglés se proporcionarán in situ y los abogados también examinarán las excepciones al componente del idioma inglés del examen de naturalización. La información sobre la asistencia financiera puede estar disponible para aquellos que reciben CalWorks.

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Webinar: How to Protect Your Mental Health when Leaving an Abusive Relationship isn’t an Option
10:30 AM10:30

Webinar: How to Protect Your Mental Health when Leaving an Abusive Relationship isn’t an Option

Enduring domestic violence can be incredibly challenging and distressing. Enduring abuse is never the right answer; abuse is harmful and destructive. However, when leaving isn’t an option, there are some ways to cope with the ongoing abuse while preparing for a better future.

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Official Training Session: Voices Over Violence
9:00 AM09:00

Official Training Session: Voices Over Violence

Peace Over Violence’s Survivor Speakers Bureau, Voices Over Violence, is a group of individuals that share and discuss openly and educationally their experiences with sexual assault, child sexual abuse, and domestic violence. We often get requests from the community for survivors to speak about their experiences through presentations, panel discussions, and media interviews to educate the public about the realities of interpersonal violence. Speakers are able to address common myths surrounding violence, resources, and the healing process.

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Counselor Advocate Informationals & Training: Spring 2024
to Jun 15

Counselor Advocate Informationals & Training: Spring 2024

  • Peace Over Violence Metro HQ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Peace Over Violence encourages caring and compassionate individuals from the diverse communities of LA County to become trauma informed Counselor Advocates working directly with survivors of sexual and domestic violence.

Upon completion of the training, you will be part of the Peace Over Violence Intervention Division’s Emergency Response Team, volunteering for either of the following programs: 24-Hour Hotline and Emergency Response Team or Domestic Abuse Response Team.

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Denim Day 2024 Rally & Press Conference
9:00 AM09:00

Denim Day 2024 Rally & Press Conference

  • Los Angeles City Hall South Lawn Steps (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Peace Over Violence invites you to celebrate 25 years of impact

Denim Day Rally & Press Conference

Wednesday, April 24th @ 9am

Los Angeles City Hall
South Lawn Steps
This location faces 1st St.

This event will be ASL Interpreted and livestreamed through the POV Instagram @peaceovrviolnce.

community solidarity
special performance by Mariahchis Lindas Mexicanas
empowerment self defense demo
interactive activities
coffee & treats

Denim Day is a project of Peace Over Violence


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Gear Up for Denim Day 2024
5:00 PM17:00

Gear Up for Denim Day 2024

Peace Over Violence invites you to


We are launching Sexual Assault Awareness Month, celebrating 25 YEARS of Denim Day impact, and acknowledging 25 Champions for Change!

Thursday, March 28th
5—7pm | Program 6pm

POV Metro Office
1541 Wilshire Blvd. 3rd Floor
Los Anheles, CA 90017

Appetizers and Refreshments
Denim Day Archival Display

Paid parking available
ASL Interpreted

Denim Day is a project of Peace Over Violence


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Counselor Advocate Training: Winter 2024
to Mar 9

Counselor Advocate Training: Winter 2024

Peace Over Violence encourages caring and compassionate individuals from the diverse communities of LA County to become trauma informed Counselor Advocates working directly with survivors of sexual and domestic violence.

Upon completion of the training, you will be part of the Peace Over Violence Intervention Division’s Emergency Response Team, volunteering for either of the following programs: 24-Hour Hotline and Emergency Response Team or Domestic Abuse Response Team.

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Trauma-Informed Care for Interpreters
1:00 PM13:00

Trauma-Informed Care for Interpreters

The field of interpreting invites a myriad of experiences, encouraging growth both internally and professionally. The hope for this FREE workshop is to shed light on the important topic of Trauma and how we as interpreters can approach our profession through a trauma-informed lens.

What will be covered in this workshop:

  • Trauma Informed Care Intro; principals and approaches

  • What is Trauma (relative, cumulative, complex) 

  • What is the impact of Trauma

  • Practical application for tracking and reducing effects of Trauma

This workshop offers .3 CEUs for General Studies.

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POV: Day of the Dead Community Celebration
10:00 AM10:00

POV: Day of the Dead Community Celebration

POV: Dia de los Muertos

Annual community celebration | Celebración anual de la comunidad

November 4th | 4 de noviembre

10:00AM — 1:00pm

Join us for Dia De Los Muertos activities, Community Resource Fair and resources for the family | Únase para actividades, feria de recursos comunitarios para la familia

325 N Hoover St, Los Angeles, CA 90004

Uncover the significance and purpose of Dia De Los Muertos, a celebration that honors and remembers the lives of those we've lost. | Descubre la importancia y el propósito del Día de los Muertos, una celebración que honra y recuerda a las vidas de aquellos que ya no están con nosotros.

Resource fair open at 10 am, program starting at 10:30 pm | La feria de recursos abrirá a las 10 de la mañana, y el programa comenzará a las 10:30 de la mañana.

Program Agenda | Agenda del Programa: 

10:30 AM | Land Acknowledgement | Reconocimiento de la Tierra 

A moment to recognize and respect the land we stand on, acknowledging its history and significance. | Un momento para reconocer y respetar la tierra en la que estamos parados, entendiendo su historia y su importancia.

10:45 AM | Welcome and Introduction to POV Services | Bienvenida e Introducción a los Servicios de Peace Over Violence 

We extend a warm welcome and introduce you to the invaluable services provided by Peace Over Violence.

11:00 AM | Day Of the Dead - Meaning and Purpose  | Día de los Muertos - Significado y Propósito 

Dive deep into the beautiful traditions and meaning behind Dia De Los Muertos. Explore its significance and why it's cherished by so many. | Sumérgete en las hermosas tradiciones y el significado detrás del Día de los Muertos. Explora por qué es tan importante y querido por tantas personas.

11:30 AM | Entertainment | Entretenimiento


12:00 PM | Honoring and Remembrance to Lives Lost | Homenaje y Recuerdo a las Vidas Perdidas 

Join us as we pay heartfelt tributes and honor the lives of those who are no longer with us. | Únete a nosotros mientras rendimos homenaje de corazón y honramos a las vidas de aquellos que ya no están con nosotros.

RSVP by October 27 | RSVP antes del 27 de octubre

Street parking, we encourage ridesharing and public transportation | Estacionamiento en la calle, recomendamos compartir viajes y transporte publico

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Thriving Over Violence Support Group
to Nov 27

Thriving Over Violence Support Group

  • Google Calendar ICS

Thriving Over Violence is a domestic violence educational class and support group for survivors of intimate partner violence. This 13-week group is designed to be a safe space specifically for the deaf and hard of hearing community to learn about; 

  • the cycle of violence

  • the effects of trauma on the body and the brain

  • power and control dynamics 

and much more. Register today! 

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Info Sessions: Violence Prevention Specialist & Counselor Advocate
12:00 PM12:00

Info Sessions: Violence Prevention Specialist & Counselor Advocate

POV enlists the help of volunteers who answer our 24-hour hotline, provide support to victims/survivors, and educate youth and adult community members. Come to one of the sessions to learn about current opportunities with our programs: Counselor Advocate & Domestic Abuse Response Team (DART) Volunteer and Violence Prevention Specialist trainings.

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Healing Hearts Art Group
to Oct 24

Healing Hearts Art Group

  • Google Calendar ICS

Peace Over Violence provides a free, drop-in Healing Arts support group for women who have experienced trauma. This safe space consists of sessions that focus on developing resiliency using a model centered on Deaf culture.

Our mission: to release difficult feelings & experiences through various art projects and self-care activities.

Sessions will be conducted entirely in ASL.

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