The Domestic Abuse Response Team is a multi-disciplinary team, which consists of police officers in uniform and a counselor advocate who have extensive knowledge on issues of domestic violence.
This is a system-based model that joins the efforts of criminal justice, social service and community based agencies. The mission of DART is to work together toward the common goal of reducing the incidence and impacts of domestic violence and increase access services for the entire family. The officers will respond to domestic violence/domestic dispute calls, assure safety of the victim and their family, begin their preliminary investigation, make an arrest when appropriate, and provide emergency protective orders if needed.
Role of a DART Advocate
The Domestic Abuse Response Team Advocate provides in-person response to the survivor’s home with law enforcement, to the scene of the crime, or the station to provide support, crisis counseling, emotional support, advocacy, information about their rights and options, assistance with restraining order paperwork, shelter placement and resource information to survivors.
Central Police Station
251 E. 6th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90014
North East Police Station
3353 N San Fernando Rd,
Los Angeles, CA 90065
Hollywood Police Station
1358 Wilcox Ave,
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Pasadena Police Station
207 N Garfield Ave,
Pasadena, CA 91101
All 22 divisions of the Los Angeles Police Departments have a DART team, contact the division to inquire which domestic violence agency they partner with.