In 1971, the Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women (LACAAW) was established by pioneering feminist activists after a woman was raped on Sunset Blvd.
A group of six women, friends of the survivor, organize an anti-rape squad, selling bumper stickers and posting alerts on the trees and at bus-stops with the M.O.’s of local rapists. They also perform guerrilla theater skits and are staffing the phones at the Women’s Center to talk to rape survivors. The response is enormous and overwhelming. Due to an increasing number of women disclosing on the hotline that they have been raped by their husbands and involved in battering situations, the hotline becomes more and more involved with the issues of battering. The hotline evolved from crisis line and included educational programs, self-defense classes, and promoting legislation.
What began as a small group of women organizing became the longest running sexual and domestic violence hotline. Over the last five decades, the agency grew from a small group of women, to over 60 staff and over 200 volunteers serving Los Angeles County, and beyond.
In 2006, LACAAW had been around for 35 years, served millions and evolved in a growing movement, creating an expanding organization. Rebeca Méndez (Brand Steward and Creative Director), Adam Eeuwens (Brand Strategist and Writer) and Michael Powers (Director of Photography) were tasked with the assignment to create a name that accurately represents the agency's expert voice, one that influences policies and behaviors on a personal, local, statewide and national level. They worked to create a name that positioned the agency as a leader in the field of family violence; a name that was all-inclusive, contemporary, "good for another 35 years."
Together, they established Peace Over Violence as more than a name, but as a respected brand and as an engine, which inspires the vision of a world without violence. Through research, talent and vision, Rebeca, Adam and Michael created a name and visual identity that better reflects our work, who we are and what we are known for. Their ability to turn strategy into story was key in shaping POV's presence within our movement and beyond.
Our name simply and clearly states the unwavering position that we choose peace over violence. It is an all-inclusive call to action to rally people behind a larger social movement. It puts our mission at the forefront, as it is a constant reminder that building healthy relationships, families and communities free from sexual, domestic and interpersonal violence is achievable.
Peace Over Violence was conceived to behave like an engine, which functions by converting power into motion. Likewise, a brand name can have inherent qualities that make it dynamic—always active—with change as its constant. “Over Violence” is our constant position, which is activated by the relationship to any word that is placed within the equation.
Every individual, group and community is invited to join the cause and dynamically and exponentially propel the agency’s vision of a world over violence.