Professional Training
Our professional trainings cover an array of topics and can be catered to any population including businesses, law enforcement, medical professionals, and academics.
Trauma-based Training Topics
Advocacy and Rights of Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Victims
Campus Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner Violence
Child Sexual Abuse
Cultural Responsiveness
Deaf, Disabled, and Elder Services
Domestic Violence Impact on Children
Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Safety Planning
Effects of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence on Victims
Impact of Domestic Violence
Impact of Sexual Assault
Intimate Partner Stalking and Resources
Introduction and Overview of Domestic Violence
Introduction and Overview of Sexual Violence
Legal Advocacy
Policy Advocacy
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Assault Impact on Male Survivors
The Neurobiology of Trauma and Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence
Vicarious Trauma/Compassion Fatigue
Violence Prevention Strategies
Working with Adolescents
Rape Culture and the Media
Counseling & Intervention Technique Trainings
Community Resiliency Model
Counseling Techniques, Empowerment Model
Creating Accessible Services: Working with Persons Who Are Deaf/Hard of Hearing or Who Have Disabilities
Creating Effective Support Groups for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Domestic Violence
Cultural Responsiveness
De-Escalation Training and Interventions
Deaf, Disabled, and Elder Services
Interpersonal Violence Issues as Related to Persons who have Disabilities
Trauma Informed Care and Resiliency
Self-Defense Trainings
Adapted Empowerment Self-Defense and Personal Security Awareness Training
Empowerment Self-Defense
Empowerment Self-Defense Instructor Training
Bystander Intervention
To request a self defense training, please click here
Legal Trainings
Campus Sexual Assault: Drafting, Implementing, and Enforcing No Contact Orders
Citizenship: Eligibility Criteria and Common Bars to Eligibility
Civil Legal Issues
Know Your Rights: What to do when Approached or Apprehended by Immigration Authorities
Campus Sexual Assault and Title IX remedies
Overview of different privilege and confidentialities for professionals/staff/advocates
Immigration Court: What to Expect at Hearings
Immigration Options: Summaries of Common Forms of Relief (English & Spanish)
Overview of Removal Proceedings
Criminal Proceedings in a Sexual Assault and a Domestic Violence Cases
Overview of the Divorce/Child Custody Process (English & Spanish)
Restraining Orders 101
Rights of Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Survivors Focusing on Immigrant Rights and LGBTQ Rights
Rights of Immigrant Victims of Crime
State immigration-related laws: Driver’s Licenses, Post-conviction Relief, etc.