Filtering by: TRAINING

Counselor Advocate Info Sessions & Training
to Dec 20

Counselor Advocate Info Sessions & Training

  • Peace Over Violence Metro HQ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Peace Over Violence encourages caring and compassionate individuals from the diverse communities of Los Angeles County to become trauma informed Counselor Advocates working directly with survivors of sexual and domestic violence.

Upon completion of the training, you will be part of the Peace Over Violence Intervention Division’s Emergency Response Team, volunteering for either of the following programs: 24-Hour Hotline and Emergency Response Team or Domestic Abuse Response Team.

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Counselor Advocate Training
to Oct 5

Counselor Advocate Training

  • Peace Over Violence Metro HQ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Peace Over Violence encourages caring and compassionate individuals from the diverse communities of Los Angeles County to become trauma informed Counselor Advocates working directly with survivors of sexual and domestic violence.

Upon completion of the training, you will be part of the Peace Over Violence Intervention Division’s Emergency Response Team, volunteering for either of the following programs: 24-Hour Hotline and Emergency Response Team or Domestic Abuse Response Team.

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Official Training Session: Voices Over Violence
9:00 AM09:00

Official Training Session: Voices Over Violence

Peace Over Violence’s Survivor Speakers Bureau, Voices Over Violence, is a group of individuals that share and discuss openly and educationally their experiences with sexual assault, child sexual abuse, and domestic violence. We often get requests from the community for survivors to speak about their experiences through presentations, panel discussions, and media interviews to educate the public about the realities of interpersonal violence. Speakers are able to address common myths surrounding violence, resources, and the healing process.

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Counselor Advocate Informationals & Training: Spring 2024
to Jun 15

Counselor Advocate Informationals & Training: Spring 2024

  • Peace Over Violence Metro HQ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Peace Over Violence encourages caring and compassionate individuals from the diverse communities of LA County to become trauma informed Counselor Advocates working directly with survivors of sexual and domestic violence.

Upon completion of the training, you will be part of the Peace Over Violence Intervention Division’s Emergency Response Team, volunteering for either of the following programs: 24-Hour Hotline and Emergency Response Team or Domestic Abuse Response Team.

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Counselor Advocate Training: Winter 2024
to Mar 9

Counselor Advocate Training: Winter 2024

Peace Over Violence encourages caring and compassionate individuals from the diverse communities of LA County to become trauma informed Counselor Advocates working directly with survivors of sexual and domestic violence.

Upon completion of the training, you will be part of the Peace Over Violence Intervention Division’s Emergency Response Team, volunteering for either of the following programs: 24-Hour Hotline and Emergency Response Team or Domestic Abuse Response Team.

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Trauma-Informed Care for Interpreters
1:00 PM13:00

Trauma-Informed Care for Interpreters

The field of interpreting invites a myriad of experiences, encouraging growth both internally and professionally. The hope for this FREE workshop is to shed light on the important topic of Trauma and how we as interpreters can approach our profession through a trauma-informed lens.

What will be covered in this workshop:

  • Trauma Informed Care Intro; principals and approaches

  • What is Trauma (relative, cumulative, complex) 

  • What is the impact of Trauma

  • Practical application for tracking and reducing effects of Trauma

This workshop offers .3 CEUs for General Studies.

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Counselor Advocate Training
to Mar 11

Counselor Advocate Training

  • Peace Over Violence Metro Headquarters (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Peace Over Violence encourages caring and compassionate individuals from the diverse communities of LA County to become trauma informed Counselor Advocates working directly with survivors of sexual and domestic violence.

Upon completion of the training, you will be part of the Peace Over Violence Intervention Division’s Emergency Response Team, volunteering for either of the following programs: 24-Hour Hotline and Emergency Response Team or Domestic Abuse Response Team.

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Women’s Empowerment  Self Defense
10:00 AM10:00

Women’s Empowerment Self Defense

Women’s Empowerment Self Defense


Peace Over Violence is offering a free self defense class open to to all women and girls 16+. This trauma-informed class will include learning how to set boundaries, preventative measures, and easy to learn self defense techniques.

Friday, August 19th
Spanish Class | 10am to 12pm
English Class | 1pm to 3pm

POV Metro Headquarters
1541 Wilshire Blvd., 3rd Fl, Los Angeles, CA 90017

This class is open to individuals 16+ years of age. POV follows all CDC safety measures; proof of vaccination and masks are required for participation.

Empoderamiento de Mujeres Defensa Personal

Viernes, 19 de agosto

Paz Sobre Violencia ofrece una clase gratuita de defensa personal abierta a todas las mujeres y niñas mayores de 16 años. Esta clase, informada por el trauma, incluirá cómo fijar límites, las medidas preventivas y técnicas de defensa personal que son fáciles de aprender.


El viernes, 19 de agosto
Clase en español | 10am a 12pm
Clase en inglés | 1pm to 3pm

Oficina central de POV en Metro
1541 Wilshire Blvd., 3rd Fl, Los Angeles, CA 90017

La clase está abierta a individuos mayores de 16 años. POV sigue toda medida de seguridad del CDC; se requiere prueba de vacunación y mascarillas para poder participar.


Questions, please email:

This is a trauma informed course.

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Counselor Advocate Training
to Oct 8

Counselor Advocate Training

Peace Over Violence encourages caring and compassionate individuals from the diverse communities of LA County to become trauma informed Counselor Advocates working directly with survivors of sexual and domestic violence.

Upon completion of the training, you will be part of the Peace Over Violence Intervention Division’s Emergency Response Team, volunteering for either of the following programs: 24-Hour Hotline and Emergency Response Team or Domestic Abuse Response Team.

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Kids Empowerment  Self Defense
9:30 AM09:30

Kids Empowerment Self Defense

Kids Self-Defense & Safety is a child abuse prevention/intervention program based on empowerment of the child through building self-esteem, awareness and assertiveness skills, and physical self-defense techniques. These trauma-informed 45 minute sessions provide children with an opportunity to develop critical thinking skills, trust their instincts, and cultivate assertiveness.


Saturday, April 9, 2022
To best facilitate appropriate instruction, available times are broken down by age range:

9:30am to 10:15am | 4-5 year olds
10:30am to 11:15am | 6-7 year olds 
11:30am to 12:15pm | 8-9 year olds
12:30pm to 1:30pm | 10 to 12 year olds


POV Metro Headquarters
1541 Wilshire Blvd., 3rd Fl, Los Angeles, CA 90017


Questions, please email:

This is a trauma informed course.

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Working towards a violence free future:  Approach and strategies to prevent teen dating violence
3:30 PM15:30

Working towards a violence free future: Approach and strategies to prevent teen dating violence

Free training for professionals that engage with youth who are at risk or have been exposed to dating violence. Learn about teen dating violence in underserved communities, how to utilize trauma informed strategies within your agencies, and identity resources to prevent and respond to teen dating violence. 


Tony Serpas, POV Community Organizing Coordinator
and Sky Ross, POV Trauma Therapist 


Tuesday, February 22 @ 3:30pm-5:00pm


Virtual via Zoom. Register in advance at the link below.
You will receive the confirmation in email with the information of the training.

Contact with questions!

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Women’s Empowerment  Self Defense
to Nov 5

Women’s Empowerment Self Defense

  • Peace Over Violence (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Back in person!

Peace Over Violence has several upcoming free public self defense classes. Each class will include learning how to set boundaries, preventative measures, and easy to learn self defense techniques.

Classes are open to individuals 13+. To participate you must show proof of being fully vaccinated and must wear a mask during class. POV will follow all CDC safety measures.


Three available dates:
Friday, October 29th: 10am to 12pm
Saturday, October 30th: 10am to 12pm
Friday, November 5th in SPANISH: 10am to 12pm


POV Metro Headquarters
1541 Wilshire Blvd., 3rd Fl, Los Angeles, CA 90017


Questions, please email:

This is a trauma informed course.

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Caltech Empowerment Self Defense
4:00 PM16:00

Caltech Empowerment Self Defense

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Let's get empowered and attend a virtual self-defense class with Peace Over Violence. Join us on Friday, April 23rd. Peace Over Violence’s Empowerment Self-Defense courses provide psychological awareness and verbal skills, not just physical training.

Caltech students please RSVP for Zoom link!

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Counselor Advocate Training
6:30 PM18:30

Counselor Advocate Training

Peace Over Violence encourages caring and compassionate individuals to become trauma-informed Counselor Advocates working directly with survivors of sexual and domestic violence. 

January 20-March 13, 2021
Wednesdays from 6:30-9:30pm and Fridays 9:00am-5:00pm

Jennifer Watanasutisas, POV’s Community Engagement & Training Coordinator


  • Commitment to one full year of service

  • 18 years of age or older

  • Reliable transportation, valid driver’s license and insurance

  • Must live in LA County. Prefer community members from Metro LA or West San Gabriel Valley


  • Become a trauma informed Counselor Advocate

  • Provide direct services to survivors via our 24-hour hotline or respond in person

  • Help strengthen community partner relationships

  • Enhanced knowledge of sexual assault, domestic violence, child sexual abuse, intimate partner stalking, and other topics relating to violence

  • Become a representative of a nationally recognized organization

  • Give back to communities impacted by violence

Counselor Advocate Training 2021 will take place via Zoom. To apply, contact Training Coordinator Jennifer Watanasutisas. The deadline to apply is November 6th. No previous experience is required. Please note all counselor advocates will be subject to an LAPD or POV criminal background check. Upon completion of the training, you will be part of POV’s Emergency Response Team, volunteering for either the 24-Hour Hotline and Emergency Response Team or the Domestic Abuse Response Team. 

Due to the monolingual populations we serve, bilingual candidates fluent in Spanish and/or American Sign Language are encouraged to apply.

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Personal Security Awareness Training
12:00 PM12:00

Personal Security Awareness Training

Peace Over Violence’s Personal Security Awareness Training empowers adults and youth to prevent crime and victimization, break the myths surrounding violence against women, and develop simple and easy-to-use self defense techniques. 

Empowerment self-defense is a combination of awareness, assertiveness, and verbal confrontation skills, combined with safety strategies, and physical techniques. These skills, strategies, and techniques provide a person with tools to prevent, resist, escape, and survive violent assaults. Personal Security Awareness Training provides psychological awareness and verbal skills, not just physical training.

This training will be conducted on Zoom and is free of charge. To attend, RSVP to

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POV Ambassador Training
9:30 AM09:30

POV Ambassador Training

A Peace Over Violence Ambassador is a representative of the agency who attends community events to raise awareness about sexual, domestic, and teen dating violence. By attending events such as resource fairs, school open houses, conferences and more, a POV Ambassador spreads awareness about our agency services, raises awareness about interpersonal violence, connects survivors to resources, promotes upcoming events, attracts new volunteers, and builds community. 

This is our only volunteer opportunity that does not require 65 hours of training. You will be required to participate in a one day, 8 hour training on the weekend and attend a minimum of one community event a month. 

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Prevention @ Home (Copy)
4:00 PM16:00

Prevention @ Home (Copy)


Peace Over Violence’s Prevention team will be hosting sessions via Instagram live. Every week, hosts Edwin Bodney and Hannah Denyer will teach a different unit from POV’s In Touch With Teens curriculum.

During this period of social distancing, we understand that violence is still prevalent in our communities, and the need for education is just as important as ever. Regardless of your awareness of these issues, we want to provide a virtual space during this time to allow folks to come together and learn that they can continue the mission of ending violence and building healthy communities everywhere. Who should tune in? Violence Prevention Specialists, Counselor Advocates, Rape Prevention Educators, Youth Leaders, anyone and everyone!


  • The Roots of Violence

  • Power & Control

  • The Cycle of Violence

  • Unhealthy Relationships

  • Healthy Relationships

  • Sexual Violence

  • Media & Violence

  • Being an Upstander


Edwin Bodney - A Black, Queer Educator and LA Native who loves SZA, eating ice cream with his cat, and teaching the community. In addition to teaching violence prevention, he is also a writer who uses this as a tool in healing arts practices. He will never stop advocating for all marginalized folks, especially young people in need.

Hannah Denyer - Your local Consent Queen who is obsessed with Megan Thee Stallion and a good skincare routine. With a research emphasis in both gun violence and sexual violence, Hannah is determined to leave all youth and adults with the tools they need to combat rape culture.

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Prevention @ Home
4:00 PM16:00

Prevention @ Home


Peace Over Violence’s Prevention team will be hosting sessions via Instagram live. Every week, hosts Edwin Bodney and Hannah Denyer will teach a different unit from POV’s In Touch With Teens curriculum.

During this period of social distancing, we understand that violence is still prevalent in our communities, and the need for education is just as important as ever. Regardless of your awareness of these issues, we want to provide a virtual space during this time to allow folks to come together and learn that they can continue the mission of ending violence and building healthy communities everywhere. Who should tune in? Violence Prevention Specialists, Counselor Advocates, Rape Prevention Educators, Youth Leaders, anyone and everyone!


  • The Roots of Violence

  • Power & Control

  • The Cycle of Violence

  • Unhealthy Relationships

  • Healthy Relationships

  • Sexual Violence

  • Media & Violence

  • Being an Upstander


Edwin Bodney - A Black, Queer Educator and LA Native who loves SZA, eating ice cream with his cat, and teaching the community. In addition to teaching violence prevention, he is also a writer who uses this as a tool in healing arts practices. He will never stop advocating for all marginalized folks, especially young people in need.

Hannah Denyer - Your local Consent Queen who is obsessed with Megan Thee Stallion and a good skincare routine. With a research emphasis in both gun violence and sexual violence, Hannah is determined to leave all youth and adults with the tools they need to combat rape culture.

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Prevention @ Home
4:00 PM16:00

Prevention @ Home


Peace Over Violence’s Prevention team will be hosting sessions via Instagram live. Every week, hosts Edwin Bodney and Hannah Denyer will teach a different unit from POV’s In Touch With Teens curriculum.

During this period of social distancing, we understand that violence is still prevalent in our communities, and the need for education is just as important as ever. Regardless of your awareness of these issues, we want to provide a virtual space during this time to allow folks to come together and learn that they can continue the mission of ending violence and building healthy communities everywhere. Who should tune in? Violence Prevention Specialists, Counselor Advocates, Rape Prevention Educators, Youth Leaders, anyone and everyone!


  • The Roots of Violence

  • Power & Control

  • The Cycle of Violence

  • Unhealthy Relationships

  • Healthy Relationships

  • Sexual Violence

  • Media & Violence

  • Being an Upstander


Edwin Bodney - A Black, Queer Educator and LA Native who loves SZA, eating ice cream with his cat, and teaching the community. In addition to teaching violence prevention, he is also a writer who uses this as a tool in healing arts practices. He will never stop advocating for all marginalized folks, especially young people in need.

Hannah Denyer - Your local Consent Queen who is obsessed with Megan Thee Stallion and a good skincare routine. With a research emphasis in both gun violence and sexual violence, Hannah is determined to leave all youth and adults with the tools they need to combat rape culture.

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Prevention @ Home
4:00 PM16:00

Prevention @ Home


Peace Over Violence’s Prevention team will be hosting sessions via Instagram live. Every week, hosts Edwin Bodney and Hannah Denyer will teach a different unit from POV’s In Touch With Teens curriculum.

During this period of social distancing, we understand that violence is still prevalent in our communities, and the need for education is just as important as ever. Regardless of your awareness of these issues, we want to provide a virtual space during this time to allow folks to come together and learn that they can continue the mission of ending violence and building healthy communities everywhere. Who should tune in? Violence Prevention Specialists, Counselor Advocates, Rape Prevention Educators, Youth Leaders, anyone and everyone!


  • The Roots of Violence

  • Power & Control

  • The Cycle of Violence

  • Unhealthy Relationships

  • Healthy Relationships

  • Sexual Violence

  • Media & Violence

  • Being an Upstander


Edwin Bodney - A Black, Queer Educator and LA Native who loves SZA, eating ice cream with his cat, and teaching the community. In addition to teaching violence prevention, he is also a writer who uses this as a tool in healing arts practices. He will never stop advocating for all marginalized folks, especially young people in need.

Hannah Denyer - Your local Consent Queen who is obsessed with Megan Thee Stallion and a good skincare routine. With a research emphasis in both gun violence and sexual violence, Hannah is determined to leave all youth and adults with the tools they need to combat rape culture.

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POV Ambassador Training
9:30 AM09:30

POV Ambassador Training

A Peace Over Violence Ambassador is a representative of the agency who attends community events to raise awareness about sexual, domestic, and teen dating violence. By attending events such as resource fairs, school open houses, conferences and more, a POV Ambassador spreads awareness about our agency services, raises awareness about interpersonal violence, connects survivors to resources, promotes upcoming events, attracts new volunteers, and builds community. 

This is our only volunteer opportunity that does not require 65 hours of training. You will be required to participate in a one day, 8 hour training on the weekend and attend a minimum of one community event a month. 

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Self Love in LA: Empowerment Self-Defense Class
10:00 AM10:00

Self Love in LA: Empowerment Self-Defense Class

Empowerment self-defense is a combination of awareness, assertiveness, and verbal confrontation skills, combined with safety strategies and physical techniques. These skills, strategies, and techniques provide a person with the tools to successfully prevent, resist, escape, and survive violent assaults.

The fee for this class is $75. Registrants have the option of paying $75 or by donating a gift card for any grocery or department store (such as Food 4 Less, Target, Grocery Outlet, etc) valued at $75.

For more information, contact

About POV’s Empowerment Self Defense

POV's Empowerment Self-Defense model started as and continues to be a collaborative effort, created and designed by women for women. Participants will learn how to be more assertive, how to resolve conflict, and how to execute some physical self-defense techniques. This women teaching women model is based on empowerment, resiliency, trauma-informed care, and survivor sensitivity.

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Teen Dating Violence Professional Training
10:00 AM10:00

Teen Dating Violence Professional Training

Peace Over Violence presents

Everything You Need to Know Training Series: Teen Dating Violence

This training is designed for professionals, educators, and community members who are interested in strengthening their knowledge about trauma-informed violence prevention and teen dating violence (TDV).  With TDV rates being just as high as adult rates of DV, it is important that folks who work with youth and families are equipped with the tools to effectively address it.


  • Trauma Informed Prevention

  • Integrating Intervention and Prevention

  • Adolescent Development

  • Teen Dating Violence (TDV)

  • Warning Signs and Impacts

  • Barriers to Youth Reporting

  • Similarities and Differences Between TDV and Domestic Violence

  • How to Talk to Youth

  • Resources for Youth


  • Patti Giggans, Executive Director, Peace Over Violence

  • Melodie Kruspodin, Prevention & Policy Division Manager, Peace Over Violence

  • Hannah Denyer, Prevention Division Program and Training Manager, Peace Over Violence

  • Edwin Bodney, Youth Development Education Coordinator, Peace Over Violence


$350 per individual. Partial and full scholarships are available. To find out more, contact

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Voices Over Violence Training
9:00 AM09:00

Voices Over Violence Training

  • Peace Over Violence (Youth Center) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Peace Over Violence's Survivor Speakers Bureau, “Voices Over Violence,” is a group of individuals willing to share and discuss in an open and educational way their experiences of sexual assault, child sexual abuse, and domestic violence.

If you are a survivor of child sexual abuse, intimate partner violence, stalking or sexual assault and would like to share your story, join us for an upcoming Voices Over Violence training. The training will cover the forms of violence addressed by our speakers, program protocols and procedures in addition to a writing workshop to help you share your story. If you are interested, please contact Kelsey Jones at for an application.

We often gets requests from the community for survivors to speak about their experiences through presentations, panel discussions, and media interviews, to educate the public about the realities of interpersonal violence. Speakers are able to address common myths surrounding violence, resources, and the healing process.

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5.12.18 Kids & Youth Empowerment Self-defense & Safety
9:30 AM09:30

5.12.18 Kids & Youth Empowerment Self-defense & Safety

Session for kids ages 5-8 is 9:30AM to 10:15AM
Session for kids ages 9-12 is 10:30AM to 11:15AM

Parents can’t always be there when their children face danger. Safe kids are safety smart. They trust their instincts, think on their feet and don’t hesitate to protect themselves. There are ways to train children to be safety smart. Peace Over Violence’s Kids’ Empowerment Self-Defense and Safety provides children with an opportunity to develop critical thinking skills, respect their instincts and cultivate assertiveness.

The program focuses on three components, incorporating age-appropriate role-plays which encourage children take action on their own behalf. Statistics and awareness exercises help children to understand that, while being prepared is important, most people would never hurt a child. Assertiveness exercises and conflict resolution skill building exercises increase the child’s ability to prevent abuse by adults, older children, or peers, and physical techniques build self-esteem and decrease fear.

Session for girls ages 13-17 is 12:30PM to 1:15PM

Participants will learn how to be more assertive; how to resolve conflict; to have healthy relationships; and how to execute some physical self-defense techniques. We also offer to communities in and around Los Angeles County, a program that involves youth, working with and empowering other youth, to help prevent violence throughout their communities. Peace Over Violence’s Youth Self Defense and Safety program brings youth leaders, together with adult instructors, to offer Self Defense and Safety training, youth relationship violence prevention education, and mentoring opportunities to youth and youth programs throughout our communities.


Please RSVP

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