Thrive Causemetics x POV: Sheer Strength

Earlier this month, our partners at Thrive Causemetics invited POV to be a part of a special event at their headquarters. Launching their new Sheer Strength lip gloss line during Personal Self Defense and Safety month was the perfect opportunity for POV to come and teach their guests an Empowerment Self Defense class! POV’s Yvette Lozano led an awesome session filled with tips, strategies, and physical techniques educating and engaging the group. Thrive Causemetics CEO Karissa Bodner recognized POV and our partnership and POV Executive Director Patti Giggans had the opportunity to address the group of attendees. We were also proud to see our friend, Bambi Salcedo, President and CEO of TransLatin@ Coalition be recognized for her work with a new lip gloss named after her. We are so grateful to be a giving partner of Thrive Causemetics and continue our work and partnership together.