Dating can be challenging for some people, especially those who have experienced traumatic losses, betrayal, or abuse in relationships.
Most people who have experienced interpersonal trauma work hard to heal their relational wounds, improve their sense of self, and make themselves emotionally available for that right person out there. Yet some residuals of their trauma symptoms can still be there, ready to trigger a range of thoughts and behaviors from dangerous impulses to paralyzing fear.
Peace Over Violence offers this free 3-session webinar to help people prepare for dating again or improve their dating experience after interpersonal trauma. Each weekly session is 45 minutes, followed by a 15-minute Q&A.
Fridays 6:00 -7:00 pm
3 sessions via Zoom:
Nov. 4
Nov. 11
Nov. 18
Federico Carmona, Trauma Therapist
Carmela Salazar, Trauma Therapist
Note from Facilitators:
Recordings of this 3-session webinar will not be available to the public. The first and most complex challenge when healing after interpersonal trauma is prioritizing oneself. We encourage you to take the challenge and plan to attend with anticipation.
To join our webinar series, please submit the zoom registration form below.